

The Three Little Pigs
This is about three pigs who continue to escape the cunning wolf who always tries to eat them. The three pigs each build different houses and as wolf gets closer to capturing them to eat each pig makes it more difficult for the wolf to catch them.

Literary Elements
The genre of this book is Folklore. The plot of this book is about a wolf attempting to eat three little pigs. The theme throughout the book is how the pigs get away from the wolf and how they evolve their houses to keep the wolf out and stop him for blowing their house down.

  1. If you were one of the little pigs what would you make your house out of? Which house material worked best? Why?
  2. Let's build different houses out of paper, Popsicle sticks and blocks and try to blow down the houses. After we try blowing down all the houses lets see how they are similar/different from the story

Reader Responses
  1. Do you think the little pigs should always live together or live in their own house? Why?
  2. Why is the wolf trying to get the little pigs?
Personal Thoughts
I have always loved the story of The Three Little Pigs. I enjoy how the pigs work together to be safe from the big bad wolf. I also like how the story describes the different houses to the reader to help them understand how the wolf keeps getting in.


Galda, L. (2017). Literature and the Child Ninth Edition . Boston: Cengage Learning.

The Three Little Pigs


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