
Momotaro (The Peach Boy): A Japanese Folktale
Retold by M.J York

This Folktale is about an older Japanese couple who already wanted a child but never could have one. The woman picked a beautiful peach one day and went to open it and a little boy popped out. They named him Momotaro (Peach Boy) and raised him. At fifteen he fought the oni monsters because they were harassing the village. He made friends along the way and saved the village.

Literary Elements
The genre is Folklore and the plot is about Momotaro (Peach Boy). The theme is about Momotaro and what he does after being born from a peach and how he saves the village from the oni monsters and making friends along the way. 

  1. If you could be born from any fruit what fruit would it be and why?
  2. Momotaro makes 3 friends along the way. Draw you and your 3 friends you would defend the village with.
Reader Response
  1. What are the oni monsters doing to the village?
  2. How does Momotaro's three friends help him defend the village?
Personal Thoughts

I thought this Japanese Folktale was very interesting and had a great plot. I enjoy how the child was born from a peach to a couple who always wanted a child but could not have one. I also liked how Mortar befriended three animals to help him with his quest to save the village. I also enjoyed the illustrations, they really brought the story to life.


Galda, L. (2017). Literature and the Child Ninth Edition . Boston: Cengage Learning.

York, M.J (2013). Momotaro (The Peach Boy): A Japanese Folktale. Mankato, MN: The Child's World.



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