

The Bad Guys in The Big Bad Wolf (Bad Guys #9)
By Aaron Blabey

This book is number nine in the Bad Guys series. This book is about animal bad guys and hero's fighting for justice. In book nine aliens come to Earth and zap Mr Wolf (a good guy) to grow into an extremely large Wolf to destroy the city. All the good guys cannot believe Mr Wolf is destroying the city so his friend, Mr Snake, jumps into his ear to talk him out of being a bad guy. Mr Snake finds a bad alien in his other ear telling him all the bad things to do so the good guys work together to destroy the aliens and help Mr Wolf become a good guy again.

Literary Elements
This book is part of a fantasy graphic series. The graphic series is similar to a comic book however, all the pictures are in black and white. The plot is centered around good guys somehow becoming bad and how to become good again. The style of the book is very relaxed, has a comic book feel and the font of the text changes based off who is talking. This book conveys feelings through the pictures and fonts.

  1. After reading this book let's draw out what we think will happen next to Mr Snake
  2. Good Guy, Mr Shake, turns into a unicorn to distract the aliens. What other things/animals would you turn into to distract the aliens?
Reader Response
  1. How do you think the Good Guys felt fighting a fellow Good Guy, Mr Wolf? Do you think it was easy or hard, why?
  2. If you were Mr Wolf being told what to do by a Bad Guy how would you stop them? Could you stop them?
Personal Thoughts and Similar Works
I found this book very interesting, funny and different! I enjoyed looking at the pictures throughout the book and my son also loves The Bad Guys series. My son struggles with reading so the pictures throughout the book helps him stick with the reading and does not get overwhelmed with all the words on the pages. 

Aaron Blabey has created a ten book series that are similar to the The Big Bad Wolf.


Blabet, A. (2019). The Bad Guys, The Big Bad Wolf #9. New York: Scholastic .

Galda, L. (2017). Literature and the Child Ninth Edition . Boston: Cengage Learning.


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