Different is Not Bad Dinosaur and Friends - Volume 4 Multicultural Literature


Different is NOT Bad
Dinosaur and Friends - Volume 4
By Steve Herman

This book is about Dazzle D Unicorn inviting both her friends, Steve Dinosaur and Diggory Doo Dragon, to go fishing. Dazzle D learns that both her friends do not like each other only because they are different. Throughout the book their differences are identified but accepted together and they become friends. 

Literary Elements:
This is a fiction book and the setting is during this time where animals and humans all talk. The plot of this story is about Dazzle D finding out that her two mutual friends do not like each other, only because they are different. The theme in this book is about diversity and that differences should unite us, not divide us. The point of view in this story is through Dazzle D, Steve Dinosaur and Diggory Doo. 

  1. After reading this book you can have a conversation with the class on what diversity and is and how our differences make us unique. 
  2. Everyone could draw a picture of Dazzle D, Steve Dinosaur and Diggory Doo and all look at how diverse each drawing is but how unique and special they are.

Reading Response:
  1. Why did Steve Dinosaur and Diggory Doo Dragon feel they could not like each other?
  2. What did Steve Dinosaur and Diggory Doo Dragon realize after they found things in common and learned that being different is okay?

Personal Thoughts and Similar Works:
I felt this book was a great story for kids to understand what diversity means and how being different can unify people instead of separate them. The book also helps children understand what embracing diversity means which is another important part in understanding diversity. 

Steve Herman has published similar works to this book, with the same characters. 

Cited: Herman, S. (2020). Different is NOT Bad Dinosaur and Friends Volume 4. DG Books Publishing.


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